JORDAHL® Punching Shear Reinforcement JDA

JORDAHL® Punching Shear Reinforcement JDA is positioned in concrete floor slabs and foundation slabs to distribute punching shear loads above column or pile locations. To assist designers with product selection and positioning, JORDAHL® EXPERT design software for punching shear reinforcement JDA is available from the downloads section of this product page. The JDA shear rail reinforcement system is evaluated for performance under UK Technical Assessment UKTA-0836-22/6150 and European Technical Assesment ETA-13/0136.

JORDAHL® Punching Shear Reinforcement - JDA is comprised of multiple double-headed reinforcement anchors that are factory-welded to carrier rails to ensure accurate and easy positioning in the concrete. Typically supplied in two to five stud rail configurations, JDA shear rail units are installed into the concrete structure from above, and replace the need for drop beams or closely spaced traditional link reinforcement. This speeds construction and reduces reinforcement congestion in the concrete.

Typical applications include:

  • Flat slab concrete construction.
  • Precast filigree slabs
Punching Shear Rail


  • High load transfer
  • Reduces reinforcement congestion
  • Enables flat slabs without thickening at columns or the need for drop beams
  • EXPERT design software

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